
Friday, December 10, 2021

Thursday, December 2, 2021

the McLaren

the mcLaran is a super car company founded by Brouse mcLaran he died while testing a new car on june 2 1970. mcLaran was originally a racing car team. around the 1950s Brousees team won alot of trophies. mcLaran didn't let the death of Brouse slow them down and they started making sport cars. a mcLaran costs  $375,000.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Friday, November 26, 2021




if you see this man tell the police. never approach him because he will twist your mind and make you think that you never existed.                                                                   

up cycling jeans and tents

today we made tool belts, pencil cases, swimming bags, phone holders and bags out of old jeans. did you know 7 trolleys of clothes are thrown out every week!!!! so first we had to adopt a harmless child. then we went with our harmless child to chose what to make me and Blu made a tool belt but then one of Blues friends came over and cut the button off so it is more of a tool belt that goes on your leg.   

Tuesday, November 16, 2021













time travel

 “Ahhhhhhhhhhh” we were falling out of the sky. We all moast hit the tower bridge, splash we landed in the water. Then we hauld our way up the rocky shore. Our clothes were wet and soggy. Bang we heard gunshots we were soon beeing transported to a bomb shalter they gave us clean closhs the next day we spoted the tower of london. on our way there we found a dog in the ruins of a house, we nemed hir shadow she was a doberman. We got up to the top of the tower of london there were there hangliders there we saw someone gliding towards big ben we chased him to big ben we knew it was Tempass because he had the amulet. Levi almost got hit by a bomb. We were at big ben and we were right next to him he looked like the robber from denice the menace. Cooper n punched him and we graded the amulet. then we were on our way back to 2021, then i realisd it was a fake!!!!! To be continued   

time travel

 Bang we were in ancint Rome it looked like a dungin, then i realisd it was an armary, where the gladiators go before they fight. And on top of that whea jojaw  came in and said get ready to fight!!!!! Soon enough we were couring dehind rooks. The colosseum was masave, millions of people were chanting the name of the gladiator, he was towering over us like a mansion. We all shot him with a bow then Cooper n threw a knife at him. Then we swung our swords at him he tried to stab levi, but levi dodgd him. Me and cooper n jumpt on his back and stabt him while levi shot an arow at him. Swosh naw we were going to another time. To be continued  

Monday, November 15, 2021

guniea pig spelling bee

 hahahahahahahaha our whole class cracked up well not really. expression whisper pressers a red button she gets it correct. haw were the guinea pigs spelling i mean they cant even hold a pen. few answers latter  maddie got lots of answers correct. noo!!whisper got it whrong.  there for Maddie two for Whisper Maddie wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2021

time travel

 We stood in science until we saw a sabertoth tigar. We ran up a nearby hill then I remembered I had a pocket knife. I passed it to Copper n because he knew how to use it. Soon enough it was dead. Then I saw smoke. At first we thought it was a campfire. Levi was the first one to slide down the hill. Then in the distance I saw something out of place; it looked like a medevil castle.

We noticed that it was getting dark so we started heading to the castle. We realised we had gone back to the wrong time. We started to discuss artafacts from medevil times like swords and crowns. We walked all through the night until we realised it was a medevil city. Thay let us stay in the stables so we hit the hay. In the morning we woke up to people selling free fruit so we had fruit for breakfast. On our way to the castle we saw heaps of posters of a dragon mabey that's what the smoke came from. When we saw the castle up close it was way bigger than it looked from a distance. We talked our way in. We made our way to the throne room. The first thing the king said was “you look furmilor”. The king explained he was about to die. if we could kill the dragon we could go to the stone age then he referred to me as prince Sam. the king explained that I was his long lost son. The following day we battled the dragon. It took true skill to defeat the dragon. I am surprised we did it. Then the king sadly passed away i couldn't
take the throne. So i elected a new king until i return. We were naw in the stone age. We saw a cave. The cave men wernt there so we snuck in and grabbed the painting.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

hi we are winners

we won the environmental and sustainability awards. we won a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. we have a lot of school protects like ducks, honey, wetlands and meany more.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

pet day art 2021

 this is my veggie animal 

this is my scene on a tray

this is my clay dog to the description

this is my vase



Tuesday, September 21, 2021

 1. he quality of being clever, original, and inventive.

2. loss of inventiveness. 

3. because there's nothing to do and we have time to do stuff.

4. spending time with family, bouncing on the trampoline, more screen time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

male sea house giving birth


its a glories day for the male sea house as she gives birth to 2,000 little babes. but only 10 will survive.   

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Toby the turtle poked the fingers at Flea the fish this means war said Flea. Flea walked away it was a dare said Toby. See Toby and flea where actually  best friends. So they said it was just a big joke.

Olympic slide


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

how to stop over fishing

 in our class we talked about how we can stop over fishing.

only take what you need 

stop stuffing fish for trophies 

change fish limits

know the rules

more marine reserves and rahui

stop selling fish  

Monday, August 23, 2021


at first i was having a 🥳 no school!!!!!!!! 2 hours later 😱 i cant see my 🧑‍🤝‍🧑. if you dint know 🇳🇿 is well hopefully not 💀 hopefully people stay in there 🗨s. and we all dont you now 💀.

Friday, August 13, 2021

How to make Milo

How to make Milo 


  • Milo
  • Water
  • Milk
  • Marshmallows

  • cup
  • teaspoon
  • jug


  • boil the jug
  • put a teaspoon of Milo in a cup
  • poor the hot water into the cup
  • put Marshmallows in the cup     


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

school holidays

hello their yes you I am talking to you so listen so I love Lego i think we can all agree. and when a absolutely  massive toy sale came on you could say I went crazy on haw much Lego I brought and I spent about $150 on one thing yes Lego hows done that before think about it you done yet its been 5 whole seconds.

so I brought 3 Lego sets and I got one for an early birthday present.

Monday, July 5, 2021



Cole Tracy now where do I start with Cole. Oh yeah, the motocross pro. Cole came third in the summer series against Liam Peris.

 Recently he snapt his ribs. He was in Auckland hospital. Anyway moving on, he rides A yz 65 they are really fast. He comes from A racing family, his brother and sister race motocross and his dad and uncle race jet boats and his mum used to race holdens.

 He taught me heaps of tips like how to whip,wheelie but most of all he taught me how to do starts. 46 is Cole,s number, his trusty, trusty number remember how I said his dad races jet boats? Their number is 46, that’s the legend of 46. 

Once a month we load up our bikes and go racing, mainly I win, oh yeah I’ve never won in my entire life!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, enough about me. Cole mainly gets a podem finish everytime. Cole is 8 one whole year younger than me and hes pro 65 thats crazy. 

Cole inspires me because he's really good at motocross no matter the weather or the fall he will ride to the bitter end. Cole loves racing, that's why I know he will never stop.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tiddler production

felt like i just swallowed butterfly's then I said to my self I cant back out now I set my self a goal and I want to fulfil it. plus I am to important.   

my octopuss taecher

  As the octopus flies through the kelp forest like a hot air balloon, she looks like an old lady in a dress.  The octopus is Buried deep in an 8-9 degrees celsius  kelp forest never to be seen. 2000 suckers with an ink gun to protect it.  Crawling on hands deciding whether to trust us or not. being hunted by things left right and center. Camouflage blending with its surroundings. Hunts crabs by capturing them in her dress.                                       

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

rotating shapes

in totara class today we larned about rotating shapes


my teina Mako

 Questions for my teina Mako

  1.  How old are you 5

  1.  What is your favourite colour yellow

  1. What is your favourite dessert frozen yoghurt ice block

  1. What is your favourite thing to do at school maths

  1. What is your favourite book salamon crocodile

  1. What do you want to be when you grow up fisherman, astronaut, archeologist and doctor

Monday, June 28, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

chicken pox

day 1 i had a feaver at school and I was not very hungry.
day 2 spots started to appear mum went to the chemest to get stuff.
day 3 we sprayd the spray on it smelt like smoked fish.
day 4 more spots i was almost a red head.

Monday, May 24, 2021

rotational symmetry

 WAL what rotational symmetry is.

We created colourful shapes that were rotated 4 times.

A shape has rotational symmetry when it can be rotated and it still looks the same. The order of rotational symmetry of a shape is the number of times it can be rotated around a full circle and still look the same.

author visit

today liz vander lause came to our class to talk about cuz.

Questions we want to ask the Author:

Did you get inspired by anything or did you think of the story on your own?  both

Did you make up the characters names or are they real people? made up.

Is it going to be a movie? no

Can you make another sequel? yes

Who is the artist who illustrated the book cover? the publishers

Why did You call it cuz. ? because there cuzons.

Why did you chose to write Cuz? Cooper. it just popet in her mind

How long did it take to write? a cople of years.

How old were you when you Started writing? 50


Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Hi my name is Sam. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be prime minister? Well it's actually not that easy to be a prime minister.   so you're probably really confused as to why I said that. well if you think about it there's a lot on your mind such as travel bubbles, covid 19, gun laws, online meetings, pest control and tax. 

The benefit of  being the prime minister is the amount of money that you get paid. Well you. 

might not know this but some of the money your parents get paid goes to the government and this is called tax. I strongly believe that's not fair. So if I were the prime minister I would  lower tax alot.

If you watch the news you probably know we have A travel bubble with australia. But what if Australia opened A travel bible with China and they could just come over to New Zealand.

But what if someone from china has covd and they slip through the borders and into New Zealand. That's three whole countries in A possible lockdown. If I were prime minister I would negotiate with make travel bubbles.

Now pest control. pests are A threat to new zealand natev bush cause they kill all the natev birds especially kiwi. Well if I were the prime minister I would increase the amount of traps that people make.

Another thing prime ministers have to do is meetings, espeley online meetings. And to have to deal with that many meetings it's just crazy. So if I were the prime minister I would only attend meetings that were important.

The housing crisis, people don't have houses. I believe that people should have houses. So if I were the prime minister I would make sure everyone has A decent house.  

Gun laws are very important cause you can't just have people running around shooting people. So if I were the prime minister I would make it so you can't get A gun license til you're twenty five.

Covid 19 it just had to be on this list. If I were the prime minister I would vaccinate  everyone over fifteen.

Graffiti it's A strange thing for this list, but here we go again. If I were the prime minister I would aloy it. Now what I mean by this is I would make some places around the country where people could do graffiti.


So that's it. so if I were you I wouldn't run for prime minister unless you're very prepared. That's all for today. Thank you for listening to my speech.                  

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

famos people


haw to play ki-o-rahi

 what is ki-o-rahi 

ki-o-rahi is a mix of rugby,netball,softball,and ripper that make the best game ever. whaea Gina

taought us haw to play.                                                    how to play 

                                                                          tahiwha team score points by hiting the tipo with the                                                                                oma score points by toching the poe with the ki and  dive                                                                                  into the awa . 

what you need

. 1 tipo drum

. 7  poe poles 

.1  ki ball

.10 + players

.around 30 cones or spray paint 

2 teams with something to tell them apart 

Friday, April 16, 2021

in the bush volume 2

 Five years later he was walking down the street with his fearsome wolf. He just thought about what had happened five years ago. That night he was woken by a nook on the door and the people were asking for him to go back into the corrupted bush for 10000 dollars they said they would give him one day to think about it.In the end he decided to go back into the corrupted bush. The first thing thay did was go back to the corrupted campground thay all looked at the black gooey stuff. One of the men got a sample of the black gooey stuff but he wasn't aloud to. But then the black figure came out of the shadows and killed the other two men. When he woke he was being dragged to a red castle.A few moments later he found himself in a cell with his wolf. He went to sleep. The next day he was being dragged by some black spirits into some sort of throne room. There were huge black banners hanging from the walls. When he saw the man sitting on the throne he reconised his face. It was the man who asked him to come back into the bush. It must have been planning it all from the very beginning but why? He then said that he wanted to kill him so now one would know the secrets of the bush. He then stood up off the throne and killed him. Somehow the wolf got out of the bush.

term 1 reflection 2021

 Term 1 reflection 2021

This term I have been proud of the following achievements.

In reading …. I am reading a novel  

In writing this term ….I wrote alot

In maths I … can use a number line to solve problems

In PE this term….I can swim buttufly

In art I  made a lantern

During activity week …. I'm not scared  of snorkeling anymore

Monday, April 12, 2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021



I hope you enjoy my presentation it was really fun to make enjoy

lantern festival

in totara class we made lanterns, for the chinees lantern festival, in three days! right you herd me three days crazy right. this festival marks the  end of spring  in china. we drew i mean designed i mean painted whatever, new zealands endangered anamls from deep in the forrest and seas.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

swimming sports in kaitaia against the whole far north

take your mark hoot! as we splashed into the pool. i came up instantly but Everybody else stayed under for about five seconds. it was a tight race between me and another kid for third place. but in the end i was fourth. but then they said i was fifth. then we got sushi.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

sweetness in totara

so yummy, so teasing, so crumbly. A snowy mountain peak floating on the purple sea of jam merged into the floating desert of sweetness.



  1. ​Preheat the oven to 220ºC. Grease or flour a baking tray.

  2. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Rub in the butter with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

  3. Add the milk and quickly mix with a round-bladed table knife to a soft dough. For light and tender scones the mixture should be quite soft and a little sticky. Scrape the dough onto the floured baking tray and flour the top.

  4. Working quickly, pat the dough out to 2cm thickness and with a floured knife cut it into 12 even-sized pieces, then separate the scones to allow 2cm space between them. Brush the tops with milk.

  5. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Place on a wire rack to cool, wrapped in a clean tea towel to keep them soft.